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Affected by the pandemic over the past year, many Americans lost their jobs and restaurants were forced to closed down, causing a significant increase in the number of displaced persons and making the homeless situation even worse than before. UChannelTV, the number one public serving media platform among Chinese Americans in Bay Area presents the annual project to raise the public attention to homeless in Silicon Valley. Home is where your heart is, Home is where your family is, Home is where you feel you’re to belong. Let’s work together to let those who live on the street know, they are not Homeless, they are just un-housed. To show your support to this project, you can make donation here to U Channel Foundation.
過去一年受到疫情的影響,許多美國人民失業、餐廳倒閉,造成流離失所的人數大大增加,使得原本就存在的遊民問題更形嚴重。北美 Number one 華人公益平台優視頻道關心社區,為了提升社會大眾對無家遊民議題的關注,特別製作了系列節目。心之所繫即為家,有家人的地方就是家,家提供我們歸屬感。讓我們一起給予關懷、肯定與支持,讓住在街頭的朋友們感受到,他們不是無家可歸,他們只是暫無居所。支持優視頻道Homeless Care More專案,請捐款到優視專戶,幫助仍然流離失所的人。
過去一年受到疫情的影響,許多美國人民失業、餐廳倒閉,造成流離失所的人數大大增加,使得原本就存在的遊民問題更形嚴重。北美 Number one 華人公益平台優視頻道關心社區,為了提升社會大眾對無家遊民議題的關注,特別製作了系列節目。心之所繫即為家,有家人的地方就是家,家提供我們歸屬感。讓我們一起給予關懷、肯定與支持,讓住在街頭的朋友們感受到,他們不是無家可歸,他們只是暫無居所。支持優視頻道Homeless Care More專案,請捐款到優視專戶,幫助仍然流離失所的人。
Lisa Gillmor 參與優美食甄主廚